

Image Album was released in 2003. This band pretty much marked the staple of hardcore/metalcore in the early 00's. The tears that come out of your eyes because of the nostalgia of the childhood that you never had. Never cared enough to support a generic metalcore band for them to go anywhere further in New Jersey, so that hardcore kids didn't have to work real day jobs ? Dude. It was completely your fucking fault. Scene faggots. That said, here's a cool Lambgoat throwback two years after this album's release:   With Resistance breaking up After six years together, New Jersey's With Resistance are calling it quits. The group just released a new full-length with Immigrant Sun Records . Here's a statement from the band: "There is no bad blood between any of the memb

Eighteen Visions – Yesterday Is Time Killed

Image These stupid Orange County faggots went to hair school and ended up pioneering a decade of movement emasculating men at hardcore and metalcore shows by making them use hairspray and grow out their bangs so they look indistinguishable to their female counterparts at local concerts and shows. LOL. Seriously, this band was at the forefront of pioneering the whole fashioncore nonsense where men wore their sisters' pants to shows while attempted to flail and spinkick with constricted-blood-access to their scrotum (due to their attires being too tight for their physical frames). As emasculated and fucking gay as that was, compared to this day and age (or nineties before their time), the point is at least they made a distinctive fashion statement.   It's one thing to all collectively look like metrosexual faggots, because that was the staple of their generation (which I found gay as h


Image They say jazz is the freest form of insanity. How do you disagree with that? Well, it's important to note that one can only agree with such statement when discussing insanity in the form of art. Insanity, when young productive white Italian members of society gets hit with it, expresses it in forms of brilliant art & music such as freejazz-infused-metal, which subsequently becomes culture in and of itself. However, when filthy ass negroids gets hit with it, expresses it in forms of egregious crimes that manifest in murders and robberies. For the most part anyways, because statistics are based in counted numbers, and mathematics doesn't lie. However as society becomes more modernized, mental distress and insanity becomes somewhat inevitable. It's only a matter of time when third law of thermodynamics warn the universe is undergoing the inevitable change from order of entropy (


Image Don't you love that nowadays with the advent of artificial intelligence that one no longer has to do his own homework when writing essays and articles? A computer website and API simply does it for you. Today I fuck around with Chat APT: Do Haitian people eat each other's shit for nutrition? This is a completely false and offensive stereotype about the people of Haiti. This rumor has been circulating for a long time and it is completely unfounded. It is not only deeply disrespectful to the people of Haiti, but it is also a form of racist and dehumanizing. It is important to remember that every society has its own unique culture, customs, and ways of life, and it is not fair to stereotype or make assumptions about any group of people based on misinformation or prejudice. It is important to avoid spreading false or offensive stereotypes and to instead strive to understand and respect the diversity of c

Expire - Pendulum Swings

Image I am in love with that sexually perverted rapist accuser Zack Dear. I never really had an affair with that pedophile but I read on the internet that he sexually molested me while I was unconscious during a time when I was fourteen. I don't remember most of when I was fourteen. So I presume it must be that time I was at the dentist and they had to knock me out through anaesthetia. I remember somethign to the effect that my doctor prodded my mouth with some heavy-duty objects when I was almost completely anesthized. (The fact that I also fucked the dentist willingl, after the surgical operation as he bent me over like a fucking donut, was completely irrelevant as well, simply because my parents endorsed my sexual desires going through puberty being the fucking whore I was, insofar as they didn't have to pay for my treatment afterwards.)  I was xSarahxSkankx, straight edge for a good we


Image  The fact that this dumb gooky Japanese band organized and went through a tour in USA during the 'post-pandemic' era of early 2022 became a very interesting case study as to the ultimate decline of the American empire (and subsequently western empire in the coming decades). Before we delve into everything let's review a bit of history: Japan, after losing WWII after getting the shit nuked out of their sorry anuses, decided to westernize. In doing so they adopted the very-western American governance system economic model (what we know as capitalism for short simplicity). Over just the next three to five decades, Japan became what they call an 'East Asian superpower dragon'. (Quite a night-and-day-contrast from half a century before the second war, when it was still internationally acceptable and even encouraged to for the world to detest the living shit out of relentless Japan


Image Man it's nice to finally be out of jail and not be some fat negroid nicknamed Buba's bitch-made servant on a day-to-day basis. When in jail I miss updating this blog. The last day before I left, I shouted out his government name in the range because I was the only person that he confided in, being his cellmate for many months on end. That look on his face was like 'bitch next time you step in Michigan I'ma give you that one FSU treatment real Nasty .' But look. My drug addiction to opiods and crack cocaine simply gets to the best of me sometimes. I try not to relapse and get back into the prison system, but in 2022 when I attempted committing suicide in parent's basement, I was revived through naloxone by my own pathetic mother. I confessed to her I was attempting to kill myself and she called the cops on me to press charges for attempted manslaughter (...on myself) . Not sure who's stupi